Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Linguistics - Introduction to syntax

Introduction to SYNTAX

Syntax is the study to govern the words combines to form phrase, clause, sentence.

Phrases : is agroup of words that does not contain a verb and itss subject is used as assingle part of speech. There are five types of phrases in English :
1.Noun phrase
-A group of words with a noun as its headword. There can be up to three noun phrases in simple sentence. For example :
The young man threw the old do a bone
That rich man will build his eldest daughter a fine house.

2.Adjective phrase
-A group of words which modifies a noun. Like adjective, these words can be either attributive  ( that is, usually preceeding but occasionally following a noun) or prdeicative ( that is, following a verb).
Ex : atteibutive -> the child, laughing happily , ran out of the house.
Predicative -> he seemed extremely pleasant.

3.Verb phrases
-A group of words with a verb as headword. Verb phrase can be either finite or non-finite.
Ex : finite -> he has been sleeping
Non-finite -> to have sung.

4.Adverb phrase
-A group of words which functions like an adverb, it often the role of telling us when, where, why, of how an event occured. Ex :
He ran very quickly.

5.Preposition phrase
-A group of words that begin with a preposition . Ex :
He arrive by plane.

A clause is a group of words which contains a finite verb but which cannot occur in isolation, that is, a clause constitutes only part of a sentences. In each comlex sentences, we have at least two clauses : a main clause (a clause that is most like a simple sentence) and at least one subordinate or dependent clause. Ex:
He arrived as the clock was striking

Main clause
Types of subordinate/dependent clause.
1.Noun clause
-A group of words containing a finite verb and functioning like a noun. Ex :
He said that he was tired
What you said was not true

2.Adjective clause
-Or often called a ‘relative clause’ because it usually relates back to a noun whose meaning it modifies.Ex :
The man who taught my brother french is now the headmaster
The girl who we met holiday is coming to see us next week,

3.Adverbial clause
-Function like an adverb giving information about when, where, why, how or if an action occured. Ex :
Put it where we can all see it
When he arrived we were all sleeping.

Sentence :
Sentences can be devided into four sub-types :
1.Declarative sentence : make statements or assertions
I shall arrive at three
Peace has its victories

2.Imperative sentence : give orders, make request and usually have no overt object:
Come here
Don’t do that

3.Interrogative sentence : ask questions
Did you see your brother yesterday ?
Where did he find that ?

4.Excalamatory sentence :used to  express,surprise, alarm, inidignation, or a strong opinion


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