Rabu, 27 September 2017

Sociolinguistic (1st Phase)


Sociolinguistic is the study of the rrlationship between language and social. Sociolinguistic is concerned the use of language within society that affect it.

In sociolinguistic, there are some important concepts :
1. Speech community
2. High/low prestige varieties
3. Social network
4. I-language and E-language
5. Standard language
6. Non standard language
7. Accent
8. Dialect
9. Jargon
10. Slang

Question for group 1
1. Why does sociolinguistic study dialect and accent ?
2. Give example of sociolinguistic and sociology of language
3. Difference of accent and dialect

Answers :
1. Because sociolinguistic is studyvof language within society, so that sociolinguistic also study dialect which is used by people in a regional or social group and accent, charqcteristic of language use of someone

2.  Sociolinguistic
    A : where have you been andy ?
    B : i've been looking for wendy

     Sociology of labguage
   - suzi is an extremely DIM-WITTED       person

3. Accent is associated with sound of language of someone
    Dialect is language variaties usrd by regional or social group.


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